Our Intention

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The Think Tinkers is an interactive expression of a conscious lifestyle…a sharing of our own personal applications from the knowledge that we have acquired and the dynamic process of expansion, growth, and unfolding that we are yet still undertaking... Knowledge of Energy and its nature and functions Consciousness, which seems to be the perpetuator of all created form Self-Awareness and most importantly... THOUGHT

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Are We Too Late to Stop Fighting?

I often wonder what our life review would be like…how much we’d feel we’ve wasted time upon this plane either bickering and fighting or being foolish toward others or ourselves.

How much we’ve allowed the tiny negligible microscopic elements of life take the drivers seat while the other more important elements ride in the back, if they are even invited to partake at all.

Putting conflict into perspective and truly analyzing why we refuse to allow ourselves to find peace through challenging interactive situations, tells a lot about the maturity of the human race.

I’m not currently on buddy buddy status with aliens from other star systems, but I would venture to say that the more advanced the consciousness of a specie, the less conflict would pervade their civilizations.

I only hope that we have learned enough from our struggles, our wars and battles to prioritize peace when we come into contact with our own internal human dramas…and perhaps consciousness may elevate by the very respect we profess upon others on this plane.

If we want a better day to day experience, we must create that for ourselves…if we desire a better world, it begins with our daily thoughts, actions, and decisions…its not rocket science in my book ;)

Think on it, Think Tinkers…:)

  How can we pro-actively be better people? How can we better communicate and better interact so that conflict will no longer be the point of attention, but the passenger in the backseat…?


Visit us! @thinktinkers.com

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