Our Intention

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The Think Tinkers is an interactive expression of a conscious lifestyle…a sharing of our own personal applications from the knowledge that we have acquired and the dynamic process of expansion, growth, and unfolding that we are yet still undertaking... Knowledge of Energy and its nature and functions Consciousness, which seems to be the perpetuator of all created form Self-Awareness and most importantly... THOUGHT

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Shady Channeling

  • Many of us have encountered a few discrepancies when visiting someone in the psychic or channeling industry.   I wish some of them came with ratings like they have on ebay, so if they are just shoveling inaccurate information in the name of making money, You would know to stay far away.
  • There are so many things I look for! Those who are willing to tell you what they see in a truthful organic matter without giving you only what they think you want to hear so they can keep you coming back and making more money off of you.  I once knew a popular psychic, she began telling information that was very accurate, the problem began when she started to know me better, my story, my details, she then would no longer get accurate reading, why? because she was trying to force the information that she knew personally about me to fit with a few things she was getting intuitively, and it simply was not a match.  This is called not being in your integrity.
                                        Angélica speaks about Shady Channeling

  • One Lady "channel" was so out of her element I watched as she asked the potential clients too many questions trying to gage who they were and It was not that difficult, Most will have one of the most popular  5 questions.. Relationships-Health- Money-kids-enemies  So of course if you ask the client just a smidgen about their question you pair that up with other things and presto!! They are walking down shady Lane.   I usually will not ask questions within these categories, and the answers I get are different, of the person has integrity, then I get a very honest answer... If the person is a touch of Shady, then they will change the subject, ask me questions and then look at me personally and try to read off of my clothing, my energy, my looks to see if they can tag me to something familiar.
  • The last thing I would like to cover is about people who are new to the "industry" and they have decided they want to do this for a living, my question to them is WHY?   Depending on the person, and what modality they choose, Getting involved with entities, or spirits, etc. is a delicate matter, there is so much to consider here, I have seen people who wanted to do this because of their ego,This gives then a sense of importance, and they begin to feel special and yet many times, they are misdirecting their own life, and and that of others, and well as putting their own energy in harms way, because if you're not experienced with handling these types of energies,  It would be in your best interest o study up, or find other people who are familiar with this subject for your own protection and that of others. There are many types of modalities in this arena, and I lovingly honor anyone who has decided they will be in the service of humanity and they gift the world beautiful information then I say thank you to them    For anyone else being shady I say Karma is a bitch, and I don't believe in Karma, but you get what I mean!      
  • My friend of mine who does card readings -Lovely Lori (who is in her integrity) said when she does a reading she has noticed so many times, People will ask a question, but most times it is obvious they already know the answer its like they find their psychic for confirmation.  I will say this.. KNOW that you KNOW! all of the information of the universe is within us

tune is @ thethinktinkers.com

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