There are convenient truths, which fit into our accepted paradigm of reality, and
then there are those inconvenient truths that reshape and often reconfigure our entire
framework of belief…
How to allow our minds to accept the difference, or even determine such distinction
between the two worlds of belief?
It is sometimes an awkward relationship between what we are trying whole heartedly
to believe, and what truly is…for example, we may look upon a situation and want to
believe that the outcome is in our own hands, that we have the capacity to change it, and
yet if a wise master from another reality shared that in order to change our stars, we must
undergo arduous processes that will step us far outside of our comfort zones…we’d be a
bit reluctant to follow the wise man’s path. Too difficult we’d say, and continue upon our
comfortable highways.
And conversely if we are told that in order to unlock the secrets of ALL of the universe,
we must merely seek within ourselves, and that no amount of pricey seminars,
illuminated books, profound concepts, will ever get us to the point where we can
dominate over our designed nature and surpass the illusion…we may call this truth a
fallacy of thought…for we are accustomed to externalize and seek outside of ourselves
for answers, for guidance, for truth.
The truth may indeed be the most inconvenient of all…it could indeed be as simple as
commanding our Consciousness to awaken, it could be as utterly sensible as requesting
the Spirit to lead when logical and reason attempt to distract or derail. It could be indeed
as easy as sitting in contemplation and requesting clarity from the all knowing Self that
lies latent within each human life…
Perhaps the truth is simple, and perhaps in our persistent desire to comprehend that
which we have no contextual understanding for, we create a complex path to follow and
intricate belief patterns to adopt.
My take? The truth is often simple, and if the vantage point would be a bird’s eye view,
we’d perhaps determine that the intricacies were only a part of the realization back to
simplicity; that the internal world that seemingly lies dormant is indeed more real, more
vibrant, more alive and alert than ever acknowledged.
And its merely a whisper that coaxes and allows it to reveal its secrets…for the magical
reality is that its only a secret because we perceive it to be so…its always waiting to be
seen, to be understood, to be embraced. Tune in @
thethinktinkers.comWhat are your thoughts?
Ang |