Our Intention

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The Think Tinkers is an interactive expression of a conscious lifestyle…a sharing of our own personal applications from the knowledge that we have acquired and the dynamic process of expansion, growth, and unfolding that we are yet still undertaking... Knowledge of Energy and its nature and functions Consciousness, which seems to be the perpetuator of all created form Self-Awareness and most importantly... THOUGHT

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Heal that Body!

It has been said that many of our ailments have to do more with our emotional and mental state of affairs, than with what we eat... Is this true?  
Angélica gives a book recommendation that explains what the emotional cause may be of many different diseases.

You can buy this book here!

tune in @ thethinktinkers.com
May your health be beautiful

Monday, February 17, 2014

Hey Smartie Pants!

You hear it all of the time! "Knowledge is Power? and this caused me to stop for a moment and think about it for a moment.

Angélica Speak about what true KNOWLEDGE is. Check it out!her...is it power?

Why does it seems as if not everyone is empowered despite the fact that many study many book, and a variety of certifications, and have paid exuberant amount of money for workshops?
This is not a Judgement just a mere observation. I say lets take a look at this with more attention.   How do you use your knowledge?

Do you share it with others? do you apply it to your life? And if so, What difference has it made for you?   Please be sure to share with us as we enjoy hearing from you about your experiences

Thursday, February 13, 2014

How to Ride the Emotion Roller Coaster!

When it comes to a holiday like Valentine's day, most think about their Love for the person who they play music to with their heart strings.   What is most important is the relationship you have with yourself, And sometimes, this entails getting more in tune with our own emotions.

I found some interesting tid bits about what the experts are saying about our emotions.
 Some are funny.. I wonder if they were on to something?

Expert Ideas about Emotion:
  • the happiest time of day is lunchtime, and the most relaxed day is Wednesday.
  • In Greek myth, many of the ills that plagued mankind were creatures of emotion, such as revenge, spite, and envy. Released by the goddess Pandora, they sought to torment the world.
  • Ancient doctors believed that different organs controlled certain moods. Happiness, for example, came from the heart, anger from the liver, and fear from the kidneys.
  • In the English language, there are more than 400 words assigned to emotions and sentiments.
  • A recent study suggests a strong correlation between wearing certain clothes and emotional states. For example, it revealed that women who are depressed or sad are more likely to wear baggy tops, sweatshirts, or jeans. Women who had more positive emotions were more likely to wear a favorite dress or jewelry and generally look nicer.
  • A human can make over 10,000 facial expressions to express a wide variety of subtle emotions.
  • Stanford University analyzed around 13 million emotions that have been recorded on the Web since 2005.
  • Studies show that men and women experience the same amount of emotion, but women tend to show it more.
  • Colors can profoundly affect emotional responses. While not everyone experiences the same emotion in response to a particular color, most people find reds and oranges stimulating and blues and purples restful. In contrast, gray, brown, black, or white tend to be emotionally dulling. In fact, studies reveal that children playing in an orange room were friendlier, alert, creative, and less irritable than children in playrooms painted white, brown, and black.
  • Studies show that if people adjust their facial expression to reflect an emotion, they actually begin to feel that emotion.
I say when we pay attention to our emotions we will have a much better handle on them.

Hey where the Heck do you think Your Going?

Angélica speaks about expectations like these check it out.

After the crazy December 21st 2012 time period, where people had one hundred predictions, and many expectations and at the end of this date these expectations did not happen. I watched as quite of few pwoplw got so disaapointed and felt like it was a big let down..

They had so many expectations, and some even gave up their personal things thinking this was the IT day! wow what a surprise for many. I say lets stop looking for our expectation of tomorrow and begin to notice today!

Cup of Wisdom Tea

Hello Think Tinkers!  I want to say this quote reminded me of the many ways to be able to see..
Some people prefer to use their internal guidance system and or they feelings as a measure.   Using your feelings is OK,  Just make sure its not tainted by emotion that has lower thinking behind it.

I know there is research that in China and Russia they have studies children who can see with their skin.  Another for of sight is Kinesiology or what many think that our physical body is tied to a higher pool of intellegence or knowledge. This is why, body language always works.

At the end of the day we have more than just our eye sight to carry us through and with much more accuracy.

Appreciate your SELF!

 I took a moment to chat with Jesus Agudo the Author 3 books with motivational algorithms and wonderful information to get you on track with appreciating YOU much more and being able to realize just why... “Living is So Big”.

Over the past few years, I have lost a couple of friends to suicide, they made the choice and decision to exit this good green earth and left a path of confusion and emotional devastation behind with their loved ones having to find the reasons why this took place. 

I always wondered if they still would have made this choice if they understood how valuable their presence here on earth is, Or if they knew who they really were and had been able to realize their purpose,  I wondered if this would lessen the pain and desire to no longer participate within this reality?... 
I feel there is a way where you least expect it, And the best way to combat this is finding your beautiful purpose and reasons why living is a PLUS not a minus

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Are We Too Late to Stop Fighting?

I often wonder what our life review would be like…how much we’d feel we’ve wasted time upon this plane either bickering and fighting or being foolish toward others or ourselves.

How much we’ve allowed the tiny negligible microscopic elements of life take the drivers seat while the other more important elements ride in the back, if they are even invited to partake at all.

Putting conflict into perspective and truly analyzing why we refuse to allow ourselves to find peace through challenging interactive situations, tells a lot about the maturity of the human race.

I’m not currently on buddy buddy status with aliens from other star systems, but I would venture to say that the more advanced the consciousness of a specie, the less conflict would pervade their civilizations.

I only hope that we have learned enough from our struggles, our wars and battles to prioritize peace when we come into contact with our own internal human dramas…and perhaps consciousness may elevate by the very respect we profess upon others on this plane.

If we want a better day to day experience, we must create that for ourselves…if we desire a better world, it begins with our daily thoughts, actions, and decisions…its not rocket science in my book ;)

Think on it, Think Tinkers…:)

  How can we pro-actively be better people? How can we better communicate and better interact so that conflict will no longer be the point of attention, but the passenger in the backseat…?


Visit us! @thinktinkers.com

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Defying Gravity

I have come to the juncture in my journey where a profound realization has knocked upon my door...

And inevitably I must admit, despite all of my denial and disapproval and kicking and screaming,… that there is truly no substitute for ACTION.

The world’s most profound thinkers and philosophers have gathered data on systematic variations throughout cultures, throughout time; they have contemplated for eons how life began, what is the purpose of all existence, and what is our role in this massive undertaking that we call life.

And yet, throughout the ages, and through the archives of information that may have been compiled, those great minds are no closer to understanding the deepest philosophical questions than they were at the inception of reasoning mind itself.
I propose that it’s because we have valued the use of the human brain as the fundamental requirement for an elevated societal framework and the sole accepted form of academic currency in our times.

 We value more the thinkers than the innovators, and yet it is the innovators that take the information which the thinkers are too busy contemplating, and run at full force,full speed ahead with the proper machinations to bring form into a previously abstract thought form.
I believe deeply that there should be a balance between both, yet it’s increasingly more difficult to find these two worlds dancing together.

Either the reasoning logical mind takes over entirely and stagnates the creative action toward realization, or the innovator disregards the ingenuity of his own mind and produces product based upon the thoughts of another…stolen goods.

Can there be a marriage of both? Can the mind and the motivated action work symbiotically and form an alliance for the greater good? Or indeed for good of providence and progress…?

I am a thinker…I swim in the depths of the oceans of life and gather and formulate and contemplate and dwell in the vastness of possibilities. Yet I lack the incentive to act upon my thoughts, to bring form to the formless through inventiveness.

And as life becomes less complex and clarity presents itself regarding the ways in which this world may be improved, I am making more room for action and less room for inactivity.

An article inspired by the realization of my pesky human faults, and motivated by a desire to be more, see more, act more.

Until next time,

Angeli Sosa
-The Think Tinkers
Tune in @thinktinkers.com!

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Oh So NEW!

There is a grave misconception amongst our humanity, I feel…

…That there is no greater perfection or beauty then within a finished product.

With its glorious angles and defining lines, with its fresh coats of paint or its new car scent, or its literary perfection. In whatever area we perceive, in whichever career or department or path ventured upon…perfection lies only in the grace of a completed project.

However beauteous and marvelous this may appear, every finished product also requires its due maintenance; and often the requirements of maintenance supersede those of building this “finished product.” Laborious indeed it would appear to the outsider looking in, so is there such a thing as a finished product I ask myself?

I find charm in a path, in a journey, in an undertaking, in the dynamic forming of a new something. Every moment it is shifting, changing, never dull, never pale…always full of variant colors and hues and the fragrance of newness which form in each moment its new life.

We are not finished products, I’ve determined. We are an ongoing production, a composition spanning eons, a decadent masterpiece generating itself piece by miniscule piece, building upon itself fragment by fragment. Will we ever be completed? Will we ever be the perfection of a finished product? Perhaps perfection is an illusion in itself, and beauty is the defining of an ever evolving process of change?

It almost doesn’t matter,… does it? If the focus is on the end, then you never truly live the moments that are creating your path.

What is the purpose of being gifted such a path then? To destroy it with the wish-fulness of death? Or to master its moments and revel in its ever changing dynamism?

Why do we fear that which is unknown to us? Where did this fear originate? The fear of losing things, the fear of losing security and control? Being unlimited in our nature, how did we allow ourselves to perceive such limitedness?

These are my ponderings,…


Monday, December 9, 2013

Baby light my Fire!

And spoke the flame…

Ignite for me flame.

Burn bright; move my spirit, sway my soul, dance for me.

I whispered this through a longing gaze…

the yearning in my soul a blazing raging fire piercing the darkest dark of my night.

And to my utter dismay

the flame responded to my silent supplication.

And it spoke.

And it said…

No. No.

Ignite for me.

Show me your light upon this night.

For you know well of my travels, my visions, my truths.

I know not of yours, of you.

And yet you bare a great resemblance to my flame…

for you are a mirror for my simplicity and my complexities.

And for that we are true. friends.

Show me.

I desire to see…

Your Flame.


A poem written by Angeli Sosa with The Think Tinkers…
Visit us! @thethinktinkers.com

Tuesday, November 26, 2013


A set of powerful phrases.

Gifted to me years ago in the inception of my desire for expansion.

As time has evolved and my consciousness has accelerated to encompass more and more information (and less and less “in-the-box-ness”) I’ve often referred back to this original message as it was presented.

How very powerful. How timeless, perennial, and invaluable of a message this professes.

And as time has gone by since the inception of this gift, and as we(myself and a few fellow think tinkers) have evolved with the information presented and the inner knowledge that has blossomed outwardly from a profundity without bounds, the message has been tweaked by us and adjusted to our ever dynamic, ever changing states of becoming.

And it makes sense to shift and change affirmations as we ourselves shift and change, it makes sense to adapt the words spoken to the feelings felt and the thoughts invoked, and this will always be an abstract in constant flow, constant movement.

What a true gift it is to awaken in Consciousness…to ever so gently open the eyes of a slumbering giant.

Until next time,

Tune in@thinktinkers.com

Saturday, November 23, 2013

When One is Combobled...

In many situations, when we feel stressed or have a lack of clarity, we allow ourselves to be lead by a flow…because we are not certain of precisely which path we want to embark upon. Although this is a “normal” behavior, perhaps it’s not the most beneficial of them…

I see that in my toughest transition times, I get utterly combobled by the many diverging possibilities that present themselves…my vision gets scrambled and I no longer know what to do…my “control” gets thrown right out the window.

I am personally coursing through one of the most life changing transitions I have ever experienced, and I am running into this familiar roadblock.

I have decided that within this time of “uncertainty” I am to follow the one element that has guided me down the path of most joy, abundance, and expansion in the past…I will follow my heart.

Logic is a persistent little monster haha yet in its reasoning flurries, one CAN interrupt its flow for moments, and ask oneself “How does this FEEL inside?” “If all elements were to align in a synchronistic way, what would that look like and FEEL like and what outcome would that bring?”

More often than not, once we ask these questions, there is a stillness amidst the chaos of reveling emotions and thoughts…and this stillness holds our answer and our clarity.

I can’t say that I have all of the answers, but the ones that I do, I trust…because they are coming from a profound place of knowing that I have at times lost contact with in the busy-ness that is my life affairs.

I am grateful for that stillness, and yet more so grateful for my sufficient awareness to allow it to speak to me.

I vow to listen (although I may kick and scream in the process haha)

 Tune in @thinktinkers.com

Until next time,

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

My Hot Passions!

There are topics that provoke…topics that evoke interest, introspection, and at times even a burning passion.

 There are those who become enthralled by the ancient mysteries of Egypt and dedicate their life’s work to seeking answers; searching for clues that may lead to a better comprehension of this mystical people, mysterious ways, and depth of culture.
 There are those that become impassioned by the legends of ancient Atlantis and dedicate significant resources to searching deep within the vastness of the sea to find traces of these lands.
 Others find the mere prospect of parallel realities evoking and captivating beyond mere words, those whom spend invaluable thought, countless hours, and generous dedication into unlocking the keys of the universe’s most profound labyrinths.
 Why are we triggered in this way? What triggers within our depths, and indeed why one subject of interest over another?
 There is perhaps a profound imprint in our souls of the most impactful experiences we have lived upon this plane…those times that caused traumatic suffering or incredible joy in such a way that we are pulled to resolve or unfold these happenings and perhaps even to return and live them once again.
 Are we returning to the same cycles that we have already lived?

 Is that perhaps the reason for the familiar faces, pull to certain places, and desire to enact certain life paths?

There is a profound reason as to why our memories are triggered in the direction of a certain civilization... and within our seeking at times we determine that we feel more at home or alive whence in the exploration of such 'alternate realities'... times that have come and gone and resurface only through our reliving of them.

I say, if you have a strong pull toward a certain time period, certain foods, certain types of cultural or geographic locations, a deeper exploration of the WHY is in order...

Yet, unfortunately the only way in which we can tap into the knowledge of this memory is through our own mind, our own thought forms, our own hearts...no outside resource will unlock truths that pertain solely to your experiences(past, present, or future).

My suggestion would be to try a deep breathing or meditation exercise with the intent to locate such memories within the mind; in truth, if we've lived it or experienced it in one form or another, its not lost in an abyss of darkness...its merely frozen in "time" for us to tap back into those memories through our own vigilant intent.
 Something to ponder upon for sure…

Until next time,
Tune in@ thethinktinkers.com


Sunday, November 17, 2013

Do you KNOW who the heck you are?

What we have felt in life, what we have experienced can help us understand how to appreciate our own existence.

So many things we learn to value in a superficial way in this reality, and yet we miss at times the most pertinent and imperative of all acknowledgements…our own lives.

Trusting ourselves and understanding that through this vast array of experiences we will be guided by our own instincts; this will build the self appreciation which is so very needed in this adventure.

Temet Nosce means Know Thyself in latin…its amazing how infrequently we look in the mirror and appreciate what and who we have become, and how very important this small moment is!

Truth be told: I don’t always like myself but heck, I will ALWAYS love myself :)

Until next time,

Tune in @ thethinktinkers.com


Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Do you want to read Mega fast?

Do you want to read super mega fast?   If your answer is YES well mine is ....So do I!   The issue with me is I can be such a slow reader feeling like only 40% Of what I read is what m,y brain retains! this is sucky!!   So I am going to put this to the test for my self and let you know how I find my new photo reading skills working in my life.

I guess what keeps me going with this is I want to not speed read but have my brain remember most of what I read, and do this quickly.

I started to have fantasies about how many book I would read a day! and how much smarter I would be because I would have much knowledge about many things! well follow me on this journey!   Photo reading is different than speed reading so do your research and there are plenty of videos about it on youtube.
Once I lean this well I will teach others because I feel it adds to the quality of life!

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Are we all the same??

The interesting aspect of our humanity is that we have commonalities in our cellular and molecular structures,…yet it is also incredibly interesting to find the various ways in which environment,food,and other substances affect our individual bodies.

Are we truly that similar? or is a pattern beginning to emerge that reflects the varies nature of human beings?
I find that what may not be good for me, may be excellent for someone else!

Who am I (and who is science) to say that we are not evolving to differ in our genetic make up, or that our environment is beginning to show a more significant impact on our every functioning.

 Tune in @thethinktinkers.com

Imagining the Purple Dragon

Lets talk about Imagination & visualization! I simply love this topic because its amazing!

The use of imagination has been spoken of for centuries...some of the greatest works of literature and film have expressed an interest in this illusive ability innate in all human being.

In one of my favorite inspirational works,  "Think and Grow Rich," by Napoleon Hill, he expresses the importance of thinking BIG!

Yet thought is the key, and through our thoughts we can propel great changes in our lives and indirectly in our world.

Give it a try! Imagine...a purple dragon... ;)

Tune in @thethinktinkers.com

Sunday, November 3, 2013

In the JAWS of Truth

There are convenient truths, which fit into our accepted paradigm of reality, and

then there are those inconvenient truths that reshape and often reconfigure our entire

framework of belief…

How to allow our minds to accept the difference, or even determine such distinction

between the two worlds of belief?

It is sometimes an awkward relationship between what we are trying whole heartedly

to believe, and what truly is…for example, we may look upon a situation and want to

believe that the outcome is in our own hands, that we have the capacity to change it, and

yet if a wise master from another reality shared that in order to change our stars, we must

undergo arduous processes that will step us far outside of our comfort zones…we’d be a

bit reluctant to follow the wise man’s path. Too difficult we’d say, and continue upon our

comfortable highways.

And conversely if we are told that in order to unlock the secrets of ALL of the universe,

we must merely seek within ourselves, and that no amount of pricey seminars,

illuminated books, profound concepts, will ever get us to the point where we can

dominate over our designed nature and surpass the illusion…we may call this truth a

fallacy of thought…for we are accustomed to externalize and seek outside of ourselves

for answers, for guidance, for truth.

The truth may indeed be the most inconvenient of all…it could indeed be as simple as

commanding our Consciousness to awaken, it could be as utterly sensible as requesting

the Spirit to lead when logical and reason attempt to distract or derail. It could be indeed

as easy as sitting in contemplation and requesting clarity from the all knowing Self that

lies latent within each human life…

Perhaps the truth is simple, and perhaps in our persistent desire to comprehend that

which we have no contextual understanding for, we create a complex path to follow and

intricate belief patterns to adopt.

My take? The truth is often simple, and if the vantage point would be a bird’s eye view,

we’d perhaps determine that the intricacies were only a part of the realization back to

simplicity; that the internal world that seemingly lies dormant is indeed more real, more

vibrant, more alive and alert than ever acknowledged.

And its merely a whisper that coaxes and allows it to reveal its secrets…for the magical

reality is that its only a secret because we perceive it to be so…its always waiting to be

seen, to be understood, to be embraced.      Tune in @thethinktinkers.com

What are your thoughts?

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Is your EGO in charge?

It is not hard for us to see when be run across people who's ego has a firm hold in the driver's seat of their life. all if the signs are present.   I once went to a class talking about the book "A Course in Miracles" and I noticed everyone pay's close attention to their ego after this particular book, but to a certain degree, I think almost too much attention is gifted to the ego.   All we need to do is keep in in check. Angélica speaks about the ego and her thoughts on how we can better manage it.
in our world the ego in most occasions is no laughing matter.  It has an interesting way of getting way out of control, and or taking the owner to very low levels of moral, and frequency.   I say treat it in a loving manner, but let us keep it in check!
tune in @thethinktinkers.com        

Squeeze that lemon back!

They say it's not what happens to you, but what attitude you have and decide to take from has happened.   This is some times very difficult but not impossible remember your the one who makes the choice if your going to be in the ditch because of what happens to you or your going to see what you could improve on and move on with your precious life.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Nature's Chill Pill

Many sages have expressed how important it is to go outside and visit nature to gain understanding, to clear the fog from the mind, and to breathe in the beauty that is NATURE!   Angélica spoke about the benefits of getting out in to Nature.
So I find every time I go to Nature even if it is for 30 minutes I feel alive, refreshed and my thoughts seem to have more clarity.  Please let us know what you feel about this, and what is your experience when you get in to Nature?

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

We ♥ Tesla!

We found the following most interesting press release made by Tesla in the early 1900's interesting it was posted in the New York Times, no doubt when we read this, it made us realized how ahead he was not only for his time but ours too.
Tesla in a letter (dated 19 April 1908) published in The New York Times (21 April 1908) 
What magic will be wrought by him in the end? What is to be his greatest deed, his crowning achievement? According to an adopted theory, every ponderable atom is differentiated from a tenuous fluid, filling all space merely by spinning motion, as a whirl of water in a calm lake. By being set in movement this fluid, the ether, becomes gross matter. Its movement arrested, the primary substance reverts to its normal state. It appears, then, possible for man through harnessed energy of the medium and suitable agencies for starting and stopping ether whirls to cause matter to form and disappear. At his command, almost without effort on his part, old worlds would vanish and new ones would spring into being. He could alter the size of this planet, control its seasons, adjust its distance from the sun, guide it on its eternal journey along any path he might choose, through the depths of the universe. He could make planets collide and produce his suns and stars, his heat and light; he could originate life in all its infinite forms. To cause at will the birth and death of matter would be man's grandest deed, which would give him the mastery of physical creation, make him fulfill his ultimate destiny.

check us out@ thethinktinkers.com

Burst on Sunshine!

I say the best thing right now is to make our connection with the sun. It is incredibly Awesome..especially with vitamins, in addition to that the Sun deliver sun-codes of information to waken you up!
The connection should be pure and the frequency will rise faster than you can imagine it, This way your can really see what is going on:)   So take a moment to look in to the sun in the evening and in the morning.
tune in@ thethinktinkers.com   

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Dare to use Imagination~ Raymon Grace

 I often wonder what the world would be like if people used their imagination, without any reservation or limitation? 
  • A friend once said "Imagination is Everything" At first I took a moment to contemplate this fact, and I looked around me to notice that yes everything within my vision in the very room where I stood was produced in some way because of someone's imagination, The table and chairs, iron,and the pan!  I then thought about how people create their reality every day unintentionally, with a combination of their emotions and their imagination, it may not be what they desire, and they may want to say they would never create this type of experience for themselves, but this happens more often than not.  
  • If we however take a moment to intentionally get in to the drivers seat, and decide what we will create, and apply our emotions and our Imagery towards this goal, we may be shocked and amazed what comes from doing this on purpose.  Please share with us any of your experiences with the use of dowsing or Imagery!
  • Raymon Grace took a moment to chat with Angélica about the power of Imagination and its  limitless potential.

tune in @thethinktinkers.com        

Monday, October 14, 2013

Tricky Truths

So what does it mean to Have free will or a choice?   Many times we do not use our own power of choice on purpose, and we let things happen to us, instead of deciding to make a choice and take action. By the way, actions and choosing all begins with the level of consciousness you have, And then it will inspire thought!  Make sure your thoughts are awesome!  Angeli speaks about Free will and our thought forms.

Remember you are the driver of your car, The pilot of your plane, And the engineer of you LIFE!

tune in @  www.thethinktinkers.com

Friday, October 11, 2013

Crappy Relationships

  • If something begins with an intention that is not in the highest order of integrity then things may not fair so well at the end of the day!  I have experienced and seen my friends go through some of these most unfortunate outcomes when it comes to relationships because of a variety of reasons.
  • When people keep drawing in to their life the same type of mate with similar problems as the last relationship they had, Maybe it's time to take a detailed look at how you are choosing and creating this experience.. Now most people will never want to admit their part with the experience they just had in a terrible relationship, but if you want to fix things, then you simply must own up to your part, and not with "blame", and definitely do not participate in shame either.
 Angélica spoke about Crappy Relationships!

Begin by taking small steps in a different direction;)
1-You need to know what you are looking for
Sit down and write a list,  if you can make sure your list is no less that 300 qualities your looking for in a mate. take your time and really think about this.
2-You need to KNOW yourself
Making the list will help you to think about what you value in a relationship and what you don't. It let's you measure where you were then vs were you are now.  what is important to you in life? what are you passionate about?
3-No other can complete you
Know what is most important to you in life, the type of friends you now socialize with and what your values are.   when you feel complete and know who you are, and you love yourself, Then you are going to draw in to your life a balanced partner who mirrors the same thing.

  • Make sure you take care of YOU first before you add another person to your life, and when you do this make sure you understand that we always draw in to our life the person who is serving as a mirror for us, So we may see what we need... and this is never about the other person, But always about Yourself

tune in @ thethinktinkers.com

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Modern Mommy

I see many people following time after time, The same cookie cutter formula on how they raise their children. However they were raised they seem to repeat the same thing and some times it works and other times it does not!

People are creatures of habit, they may not like the way their parents raised them, And may not even agree with the religion, the point of view on politics, or discipline, but without paying close attention they will automatically repeat the story and raise their kids, the Same way their parents raised them.

  •  Lolis speaks to Angélica about being a Modern Mommy!
Lolis Rocha, has a beautiful little 7 year old girl. She has decided to raise her with a different set of values, this includes letting her know about how to handle any fears, insecurities, and communication.  She has also made sure her daughter can communicate in Spanish, and teaches her about Love, Meditation and Yoga and the "TRUTH"
Lolis & Mage
  • She is a busy modern mom, but takes the time to share love, joy, and unforgettable moments with her little cutie.  And is always busy researching information so she can gift her daughter with as much knowledge as she possibly can.  Best of all she is teaching her to love herself so she may transmit that love to others.

Now days there are many parents who are having to raise their kids alone, and many are looking for new ways of doing things.. I say good for you!  If you have decided to do your best, and follow a different path, and not the same mold. Always keep in mind you are raising the next generation of human on this planet, Make sure your raising a good person with a higher level consciousness

tune in @thinktinkers.com